Sencha Touch 2.2.1 Update from 2.0.x

Few things I encountered as I was updating to the latest version.  Hopefully this can help others:

Error: com.sencha.exceptions.ExProcess: compass process exited with non-zero code:1

  • Make *completely* sure you have ruby 1.9.3 installed and not 2.0.0.  If on windows use this installer.
  • Install compass from gem (ie. gem install compass).  Don’t install from node.js package manager.

Error: File not found or cannot be read: sass/stylesheets/fonts/pictos/pictos-web.woff

Error: Sass::SyntaxError on line [“190”] of C: Undefined variable: “$theme-name”.

  • If you re-used the “&.popular” selector you need to remove it now.

Sencha Touch 2 Showing Old Data After Refresh on Production

I am not totally understanding why even after updating production and seeing the correct delta’s that I am seeing the old site information.

For now: I have figured out that you can clear the local storage in google chrome (very easy to do).

On my andriod device I needed to do the following in the browser url bar:


This would then allow me to see the newest production site.

I am hoping this problem is because I have been messing around and deleting the production base. Guessing I will learn more once I get closer to actually putting it in production!