Materials Angular is Destroying Tab Content

By default materials angular library ( will destroy the tab content between tab selection changes.  This is usually what people would want though in our case we have a webview (essentially an iframe) that needed to be embedded into the tab.  Every time a user switched tabs the iframe content would be lost as it re-renders from scratch.  We also didn’t like how the scroll bar was reset because of the re-rendering of the tab.

Here is a demo using the materials mat-group and mat-tab components.  To show that the tab doesn’t get reset you can click “play” on the video and then click the other tab and go back.

Working demo:

The main code is having a separate ngFor loop which sits outside of the mat-tab-group component.  In the future, I hope to understand if there is a configuration or override option to the mat-tab-group though this allows us to continue to move forward.

<mat-tab-group (selectedTabChange)="selectionChange($event)">
  <mat-tab *ngFor="let tab of tabs; trackBy:trackByFunction"label="{{tab.tabName}}">

  <div *ngFor="let tab of tabs; trackBy:trackByFunction">
  <div [hidden]="currentTab.tabName !== tab.tabName">
    <iframewidth="100%"height="100%" [src]="url"></iframe>

The [hidden] will hide the content for the tabs that should not display. This is different from the *ngFor which will remove the content out of the page.  We have to be careful about how the [hidden].  This is true for browser memory, page rendering time, etc.